Friday, 28 November 2008

Tip for Canon HDR and exposure bracketing limitation

Many of you that use Canon DSLR's may have noticed that when it comes to exposure bracketing, the Canon is quite limited. not all Canon's mind you but certainly the 40D and 50D are.

Exposure bracketing is limited to three shots at -2, 0 and +2. While this may be ok for some people, if like me you occasionally like to take HDR images then the default exposure options are quite limited. What really annoys me is the fact that my old Olympus E500 went to +3, and I know that Nikon cameras (including the cheap ones) will do five exposures from -5 to +5!

If you do need more than what the standard options offer then try the following trick that I use to get -4, -2, 0, +2 and +4.

Set the camera up for normal exposure bracketing of +/-2, then use the exposure compensation to set the exposure to -2. When you take the bracketed shots you will get -4,-2 and 0. Now move the exposure compensation to +2 and shoot again. you will now get 0, +2 and plus 4.

What you will end up with is -4, -2, 0, 0, +2 and +4. Delete one of the '0' exposures and you have five exposures covering 8 stops!

Cheers for now.

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