Thursday, 27 November 2008

Digital photography forums and photographic comments

How many of you are members of photography forums that allow you to create galleries and receive feedback on them?
I first gave this a try about 18 months ago as I was hoping to get some (real) feedback on my photography at the time.

The first few comments I received were very favourable and I was pleased. However after trawling through many other galleries (some good, some not so good, some bloody awful) I noticed that everyone was receiving good comments. Now let's be clear here I'm not saying that bad photographs should be slagged off but there should be positive criticism as opposed " Oh yes I really like the way you captured this or that blah blah blah" rather than "the exposure is spot on but there is no foreground interest, perhaps you should try this blah blah blah". You know what i mean.

Without proper positive criticism the photographer may never see the mistakes they are making and will take far longer to improve.

So come on people! it's in everyone's interests to positively criticise at every given opportunity so that we can all learn something!

anyway as you've probably already gathered I don't post my photographs on any of these forums anymore!

Thanks for listening

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