Saturday, 29 November 2008

Photoshop or Lightroom? or both?

Photoshop is a fantastic program isn't it?

However for photographers about 90% of the program isn't used or isn't relevant and this is understandable, as it's not just aimed at us photographers. So when Lightroom came along I thought, here's a program that will have all the photo editing related tools with Bridge all wrapped up in one package!
To a certain extent this is true, however there is one very important thing missing that will stop me ditching Photoshop: Layers!

Alot of my photography is landscape based and I regularly take two exposures, one for the sky and one for the foreground and then do a layer blend via a mask in Photoshop. I know that in Lightroom I can export to Photoshop for editing and then return it to Lightroom, but that kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it? You then lose the non-destructive RAW editing that Lightroom touts. Plus having to use both Photoshop and Lightroom is a real pain and very expensive!

I do love the features Lightroom offers especially version 2 with the new local exposure tools, but CS4 now offers these as well. So for the time being I won't be buying Lightroom and I will continue using Photoshop and Bridge as this combination can do everything that Lightroom does.

Thanks for listening.

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